Christopher Kirk , David R Clark , Carl Langan-Evans & James P Morton
Journal of Sports Sciences 2020;23-1
The optimal preparation for any sport depends in part on the known determinants of success and the methods employed to achieve these determinants. As mixed martial arts (MMA) is a relatively new sport, the research base related to its performance factors is still in its infancy.
The Applied Research Model for the Sports Sciences (ARMSS) was proposed by Bishop in 2008 (1) as a method of structuring the evidence-gathering process. It consists of eight interacting stages that guide the logical progression of research by building on the findings of each stage.
Papers relating to the characteristics of MMA athletes and relative performance in the sport, as well as the effects of MMA training, were grouped in accordance with the ARMSS. 62 studies were categorized in the following stages:
- Defining the Problem – 11
- Descriptive Research – 25
- Predictors of Performance – 21
- Experimental testing of predictors – 5
- Determinants of key performance predictors – 0
- Efficacy studies – 0
- Barriers to uptake – 0
- Implementation studies – 0
- A great deal of variability exists in the research methods into the characteristics of MMA athletes
- Minimal research regarding training loads. Most done via questionnaire, and a huge amount of variability within
- Adaptations to MMA training not thoroughly investigated. Minimal focus on training types
- Competition and training demands measured through accelerometry promising for future monitoring
- Studies show high player load, comparable with Australian rules football. Work/rest (W/R) ratio of 1:2-1:4. Shorter bursts of work on average 9 seconds, longer bursts 21 seconds.
- W/R ratio depends on division
- Advantage to being younger. When older fighters lose, often due to strikes.
- Anthropometrics not related to success (unlike other combat sports)
At present the current body of MMA performance literature does not satisfy the requirements of the ARMSSThe ARMSS is only one model of collecting and organising sports science data, but may be a useful tool to guide further investigation to aid in the continued development of the sport.